
Art of the Apocalypse


This painting of an Atlas ICBM thundering into the heavens is by the renowned astronomical artist Robert McCall. I am a big fan of McCall's early work. He did the posters for Kubrick's "2001". Later in life he retired to Arizona, got weird, and did paintings of rocket-ships with flying dolphins. Happens to all those artists that go west and eat those funny mushrooms!

It's a great painting, even if the missile is minus it's distinctive H-bomb nose-cone. Makes those sissy computer drawings they do today look as souless as they are. Gotta use smelly oil-paint if you really want to paint the end of the world! How would the Sistine Chapel ceiling look if that Michelangelo guy had used something called "Gimp"!

click here for more than you ever wanted to know about the Atlas Rocket

click here for some cool Robert McCall stuff

P.S. I just love the stoplight in the lower right hand corner. Saving money with a little off the shelf technology.

all images- Right click- open in New Window= super colossal size!

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