
...thanks, couldn't have said it better

"Some of my friends are too young to know the feeling of expecting the unexpected that we Baby Boomers grew up with. ( Some do not even know what a Baby Boomer is!). What I mean is we were taught to expect death from nuclear bombardment at any moment. Told that our enemies, the evil Russians ( or the Chinese) could and would do a sneak attack that would start a nuclear war that would pretty much wipe out life on earth. That may explain to some of you the craziness of the world we older folks have come from. We did not necessarily expect to be around this long. That may account for some of our behavior years ago and our bewilderment today! To fill the need to nostalgically recall this precious era of fear and hope my friend Jim Vaughan has assembled a blog showing evidence of that age of wonderment. "

----------------------- W. Adrain DAlessio

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