
1953 ... The Other House

... this is 'The Other House'. Not the house that we have seen being flattened time and again in newsreels [see film below]. That house was at a mere 2500 feet from ground zero of a 16 Kiloton test. 'The Other House' was built at a more respectable distance of 7500 feet from the center of the blast. It is still standing to this day. "The Other House' lost it's windows and had a little paint charring. But it owes it's current dilapidated state more to the Nevada weather than nuclear tests. UPSHOT-KNOTHOLE- Annie- Operation Doorstep

... actually, if you had been in the basement of the closer house [maybe we should call it 'The Dumb House'] and protected by a lumber lean to, you would have survived. Several test dummies did. Two of them are still alive, have 12 grandchildren, and are living in a trailer camp outside of Phoenix!


  1. I've been inside of that house. It's a bit creepy.

  2. I've been inside of that house. It's kind of creepy.
