
1950 ... those pesky Russkies!

... interesting fact about early jets; 'tail-sitter' designs without a nose-wheel tended to melt the runway!

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... boys and their nosecones!

... some sort of 'nosecone-design-on-a-rocket-test-sled-rail-goes-really-fast
whoosh-thing'! Or, very fast espresso machine!

Due to the fact that everyone who went out West to play with and test atomic-bomb stuff
immediately started dressing and looking funny; I can't get a sense of the date.
We'll put our unemployed Soviet spies Boris and Natasha on it!

I think the guy in the hat was the Ground Squirrel Warden who just stopped by for some coffee.

1958 ... a better Nike!

... deployed in 1958, this upgraded version of the 'Nike' anti-aircraft missile, was based around major cities and vital installations. It used a nuclear warhead. Destroying incoming Soviet bombers that wanted to drop big H-Bombs on American cities was a 'must-do' proposition. The nuke warheads could be 'dialed' from 2- 20 kilotons and their detonation at high altitudes virtually negated any fallout threat. Just don't look up! At a speed of close to 3,000 mph and a max. altitude of 20 miles these suckers were fast and rude!

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1953 ... Gen. Nathan 'Farragut' Twining

... steward of the emerging doctrine of 'Mutual Assured Destruction' MAD.

1963 ... re-distribution of faith!

... and all the rural Amish will be untouched!

... beam me in!

... the number of industries and products in the 'military-industrial complex' juggernaut is staggering!

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1956 ... hot off the drawing board!

... yet another 'out-there' proposal for a Supersonic Intercontinental Bomber. The reference to HEF fuel was the long-sought, but never fulfilled, Boron enhanced 'high energy fuel'. Also known as 'Zip Fuel'.

... Manhatten Mayhem!

.... yield and casualty numbers are in reference to late 40's early 50's fission type weapons. 20 to 100 Kiloton range.

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... B1-B 'Lancer'

... lot's of background and history on the concept and development of Strategic Bombers.

1956 ... happy survival!

... this is  the happiest group, to ride out a nuclear shoot-em-up, I've ever seen!

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... B-52 Insturment Panel

... I suppose if it's time to eject- it's a little late to start reading the ejection instructions at the top of the frame! Of course this is a vintage B-52 like the one Major Kong flew.  Stratofortresses in service today have 'glass-cockpits'.

... B-47 evades mighty hand!

... hmmm. Looks like the 'Mighty Hand' from the Union Carbide ads is after Col. Dutch Holland and his B-47!

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