
1963 ... room for six!

... notice that instead of trying to incorporate a heavy radiation proof door, this shelter incorporates a 'trap'. Radiation, like light rays, travels in straight lines so it will not go around the corner of the entrance hallway.

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1954 ... 'Geiger Counter'

... this is the radiation measuring instrument you want to use to check out folks in the shelter to see how contaminated they are. It's a 'low-level' device; so if the meter pegs than out they go!

1953 ... Nike Ajax

... the first of the family of US Army Nike anti-aircraft missiles. Designed to shoot down enemy bombers attacking the continental United States. 

1950 ... MIG- 17 'Fresco'

... in North Vietnamese markings; having mortally wounded a US Thunderchief.

1961 ... Tupolev TU-28 'Fiddler'

... world's largest operational fighter/ interceptor

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1958 ... 'The Army's Workhorse' !

 ... another fine Chrysler product; the Redstone Missile was a direct descendant of Werner von Braun's WWII V2. The Redstone was concieved as a 'theater weapon' to be launched in a nuclear battlefield (presumed to be Europe against advancing hordes of Russians). It also served to lift the first 2 sub-orbital Mercury- NASA flights.

1956 ... war by television!

... whenever I see imagery touting the value of television viewing from the 1950's; I remember what I hard time I had even getting a clear picture of  Capt. Kangaroo back then!

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1981 ... Big Boomer!

... largest of the series of US Ballistic Missile submarines the Ohio Class has a total of 18 'boats'.

... Soviet 'Boomers'

... 'Boomer' is navy talk for a submarine that launches nuclear missiles.

... Bag Man!

... a brief interlude during what appears to be a photo-op at the Hanford Nuclear Plant, WA. Some sort of mobile protective solution for the manufacture of plutonium?

1955 ... Republic XF-84H

... nicknamed the 'Thunderscreech' - this last hurrah of prop driven fighters used what was essentially a jet engine to drive it's propeller at supersonic speeds. The noise was unbearable and could be heard for twenty miles! 

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1947 ... safety!

... safety posters [1947] from the Hanford, Washington atomic weapons facility.

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1945 ... Nagasaki

... retrieving the dead.

1964 ... 'Dr. Stranglove'

... director Stanley Kubrick checks camera angles on Sterling Hayden and Peter Sellers.

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... Atlas ICBM

... sometimes a rocket is just a rocket

1985 ... checking the list!

... the modern, generic silhouette family checks over their supplies and preparedness list.

1950 ... 'sword of Damocles!'

... from a 1950 booklet "Atomic Bombing- How To Protect Yourself'

1951 ... 'George' shot- Operation Greenhouse

...'George' was a research experiment that studied deuterium-fusion burning when heated by thermal radiation. Item was the first test of the principle of fusion boosting of fission devices. Enewetak Atoll - yield 225 kiloton.

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1951 ... 'Survival Under Atomic Attack'

... one of the first widely distributed Civil Defense films. With a 'less face the facts' narrator. 
   (Edward R. Murrow?)

1951 ... 'Survival Under Atomic Attack'

... selections from an informative booklet during the early years of the Cold War. Such a publication from 1951 may seem overly optimistic to our modern, cynical minds. Nuclear arsenals at this point were relatively small Hiroshima sized fission-weapons. Stockpiles and delivery systems were still underdeveloped. With the advent of the Hydrogen 'Super-bombs' - civil defense officials seemed to drop the emphasis on raincoats and a nice warm bath.