
1964 ... phoning in the apocalypse!

... 'Ma Bell' maintains the phone lines of defense!

all images- Right click- open in New Window= super colossal size!

1959 ... more 'military industrial complex'

... 'Reddy Kilowatt', the mascot of modern electric companies, shows off his nuclear muscles!

1965 ... "LBJ all the way!"

... Lyndon Johnson: 36th President of the United States 1963-1969 ... Cold Warrior.

all images- Right click- open in New Window= super colossal size!

1986 ... Soviet Civil Defense

... looks like info regarding the Electro-Magnetic Pulse generated by high altitude bursts of nuclear weapons.

1968 ... 'Canopus' - France

... the first test of a French Hydrogen Bomb in the South Pacific. 2.6 megatons.

all images- Right click- open in New Window= super colossal size!

1962 ... "take that Mr. Potter!"

... oh boy- the AV Kid has a nifty film to show us about the super-cool, super fast
B-58 'Hustler'. It's hosted by real life USAF General Jimmy Stewart [aka 'Dutch' Holland].

Somehow, I have a hard time seeing 'George Bailey' nuking Everytown- USSR!

1962 ... A-OK Hustler!

... test pilot Fitzhugh Fulton, gives his approval, after putting the Convair B-58 'Hustler'
supersonic Strategic Bomber through it's paces!

1955 ... there goes Seattle!

... this Civil Defense manual seems to violate one of the first precepts about not inciting fear and panic!

all images- Right click- open in New Window= super colossal size!

1966 ... daggers!

... Convair F-102  'Delta Daggers' prowl the sky!

... ... fellow Bloggers of Armageddon!

... blogs come and go- but CONELRAD survives!.

This exellent Cold War site has a vast library of the informative, silly and chilling!

all images- Right click- open in New Window= super colossal size!

1986 ... Soviet civil defense

... still more of our endless supply of late Cold-War civil defense instructions.

1983 ... 'God Save The Queen!'

... Queen Elizabeth's address to Britain if nuclear war had come.

1964 ... The Story of Shelter 104

... great drama, disgruntled beatniks, old ladies going nuts and sing-a-longs! After watching this you'll grab a pick and shovel and start building your own shelter in the backyard!