
1959 ... here's your new reactor!

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... (beep) advice for (beep) family fallout (beep) shelters!

... old style slide show with soundtrack and cues for advancing the image.


1958 ... nuked at school!

... information on what's being done for Civil Defense safety in public schools (with suitably somber and scary or silly cheerful music included).

1951 ... nuked at sea!

"... arrr - them scurvy Commies have popped a nuke on us and we be glowing like an electric eel!" 


1952 ... weird words from Conrad!

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1959 ... "The Missile Mission" with Jimmy Stewart

... not only did Jimmy Stewart volunteer to do heroic work as a WWII B-24 bomber pilot; but over the years he served as a tireless spokesman for the Air Force and rose to the rank of Brigadier General in the Reserves. Never the less, every once in awhile, I see the image of the crazed George Bailey slipping and sliding down the Main St. of Bedford Falls chasing an Angel named Clarence; and I wonder, is this a guy we should give a B-52 and a couple of H-bombs to?

1983 ... meanwhile in the USSR

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1959 ... Chevy and Nike!

... yep- the 1959 Chevrolets; as fast a missile; nuclear tipped, able to shoot down fleets of Soviet bombers - yep, you-bet!


1964 ... XB-70 Valkyrie

... few comprehend just how big America's big supersonic bomber was. The B-70 was 5 times heavier than an SR-71 and twice as long! Both flew at the same Mach 3 top speed and debuted in 1964.


USSR ... and now a word about our missiles!

 "The Missile Shield Will Surely Defend Our Peaceful Work!"


"Our triumph in space is a hymn for the Soviet country".

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1958 ... study your science! (China)

"Study the Soviet Union, to Advance to World-Class Levels of Chinese Science Education"

1952 ... "Truman's Soldiers" North Korea

... a little bit of (rare to find) early North Korean propaganda from the "Fatherland Liberation War"

1959 ... afterburners ON!

... as a kid I never understood why these cool books always had some guy wrestling with a yucky girl somewhere on the cover! (actually, that's a fib - I always liked girls!)

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... today in Russia!

... "Tsar Bomb" AN602 goes on display. Ah yes- the good old days of The Cold War (1961) when Khrushchev tried scaring the West with the biggest damn bomb anyone had seen! At the last moment they did some tinkering and halved it's megatonage to 50. Still more than twice anything the US ever tested. (relax- it's a mock-up: we hope) 

a 45 min documentary on the Big Boy.