
... you and your nuclear weapons!

... Pantex is the US nuclear weapons assembly and fix-it shop; It has been ever since we started playing with atomic bombs. They put them together, upgrade them and take them apart for 'retirement'. (here's a helpful chart from them). 

Here's a link to their friendly website ... and... hey- they're hiring! - and they have a bowling team! ... and ... [klaxon horns and flashing lights] --- we are a major big-time center for National Security --- before you pack your bowling bag and resume' --- make sure you have an appointment or we will attack you with big dogs and shoot you - not necessarily in that order!

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1960 ... the SIOP

... 55 years ago- we would have all gone to jail for having this page of the "Single Integrated Operational Plan" (SIOP)

1947 ... Armed Forces Special Weapons Project

... oooo - just to be sure everyone knew they were 'special' - the original group responsible for Atomic Bombs in the US Armed Forces - they got an emblem that left no doubt to what they were up to.


1950 ... B-36 on recon over USSR!

... this is a recent photo-illustration project I completed. One of the fun things about these projects is being able to create situations and 'documenting' images that have never been seen before. In the early 1950's, there was a window of opportunity,  when very high altitude reconnaissance flights by 'Peacemakers' over the Soviet Union were possible. 'Featherweight' B-36's [stripped of all guns except for the tail cannon] were able to attain altitudes of 53,000 feet!  At that height triple A, SAM's and even Mig-15 fighters could not harm them. Here we see a pair of Migs skidding past the big bomber in a failing attempt to maneuver in the thin, thin air. If they dare to fire off their guns it will cause a stall and spin to a lower altitude. 

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1954 ... defending those harbors!

... seems like the set-up that was used (rather in-effectively) against all those amphibious monsters in the 1950's: Beast from 20,000 Fathoms, Giant Behemoth and Gorgo!


1952 ... here comes the B-52!

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