
1956 ... "Operation Redwing"

... just gotta love a documentary with Generals standing in front of giant projections of mushroom clouds and fireballs! LINK


1965 ... US Spy Sub!

... nifty cutaway of the US Navy submarine USS Halibut reconfigured as super-secret spy sub

From the great website 'Covert Shores'

all images- Right click- open in New Window or Tab = super colossal size!

... B-70 with 'Skybolts'

... artists conception of B-70's in USAF grey livery; with 'Skybolt' standoff missiles as external weaponry.
 artist: Erik Simonsen


1957 ... Andy's dog gets zorched!

... guess we're missing a few panels here. #11 and #12: where Spot mutates into a 50 foot Caninesorus-Rex with death rays shooting from his eyes #12 and #14 where Andy is shipped to Guantanamo for water-boarding and LSD experiments. 

... just kidding- thanks to 'hello chicago' here's the whole thing LINK

all images- Right click- open in New Window or Tab = super colossal size!

... Atomic Age Oppourtunity!

... seems like ever-time I watch a documentary about the development of Cold War jet-aircraft- there comes the moment when the narrator says "... finally the under performing Pratt & Whitney engines were replaced with General Electric engines!"  - just sayin'.


1953 ... oooo - missiles!

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... guided tour of the 'Doomsday Plane' - Boeing E4-B

"... well Natasha- we will have a pretty easy time of supplying Fearless Leader with ultra-secret espionage information of decadent capitalist pigs this week!"
"Yes Boris- we can relax and catch-up on re-runs of 'Get Smart'.

1954 ... reading for Men!

... Sabre-Dogs and babes! What's not to like?

all images- Right click- open in New Window or Tab = super colossal size!

1975 ... 'Safeguard' ABM system

... strange and huge monuments of the Cold War (LINK)

1954 ... Convair- Atlas ICBM (film)

... have to wonder if Gerry Anderson might have been inspired by this promotional film before he started work on 'Fireball XL-5' or 'The Thunderbirds'. Super keeno- neato models of the Atlas ICBM when it was still in development stage. Do you think the Convair President's grand-kids got the models when it was done? Actually it's more fun to imagine Dick Nixon playing on the floor of the White House with Ike's grand-kids.
"I nuked you first!" "Naw- I got in the first-strike- you are So glass!"