
1954 ... "Red Blitz!"

... I certainly hoped that the personnel manning what passed for an Early Warning system in 1954 would show a little more control and professionalism than these characters! But; it must be nerve-wracking to have the command center on a sinking barge in the middle of the Hudson River with Russo-Nazi rocket planes buzzing ten feet over your head.

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1954 ... 'H' for Hilarity!

... thank goodness we have Groucho Marx's lewd cocktail napkins for comic relief when the end of the world comes!


1947 ... looks like fun!

"... let's see: racial bigotry (check), crazed lust (check), boy on boy Tango (check), depressed, hooded cults (check)! Anything else we need to put on the 'to do' list when we conquer the capitalist-swine Americans comrade?"

Seems the Catechetical Guild Educational Society in St. Paul, Minnesota was jumping the gun a bit with the Commie paranoia for 1947 - heck, the Russkies didn't even have their own A-bomb yet.

Well, the CGES of St. Paul sure went down in history for scaring little kid stiff over those Godless Communists; it has it's own Wikipedia entry

And I know that you'll be under the sheets all night with a flashlight reading the entire comic book here:


1951 ... defending North America!

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