
1957 ... call, wire or write!

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1955 ... just in time for Christmas!

... can't figure out why they are so keen on expressing the fact "it's a pistol!".
Maybe they were figuring on a lot of Don Knotts type civil defense workers
being freaked out by atomic zombies? Then they could stand their ground 
and warn "I've got a personnel and area accumulated radiation exposure measuring device.
Don't come a step closer!"

Note: this was the only ad in the otherwise
somber publication below.

1955 ... The Bulletin of Depressed Scientists!

... a little informative video about the clock and it's history.

1960 ... Project 'Iceworm'!

... in the end it didn't work because the ice kept moving and shifting.

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1956 ... fill 'er up!

... a big deal about flying the B-58 was keeping all of that fuel balanced!

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1956 ... bare 'n nekkid!

... Convair B-58 'Hustler' without pod.

1964 ... Gen. 'Buck' Turgidson gets enthusiastic!

... George C. Scott as Gen. 'Buck' Turgidson extolling the virtues of his beloved B-52!

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... nukes in Spaaaaace!

... ah -  the frivolity of the late 50's. We'd barely gotten into 'space' and we can't wait to turn it into an atomic battle ground! (But) the picture sure is cool! The caption said something about cowboys tending to their herd of nuclear warheads.
All I have to say is "... where in the hell is Major Kong?"

from the amazing collection of 'Mike Acs'