
1951 ...

Before the advent of Hydrogen Bombs made mere survival problematic, there was a lot of ballyhoo about the need for good citizens to crawl out of the rubble, dust themselves off and get to work on bringing the GNP back up.'s the AV Kid with "Our Cities Must Fight"

... be the first on your block!

... gotta love that clip out and mail in coupon!

... downwind

From our 1960's Civil Defense friends, a film about Fallout with music as spooky as this map!

... it's 1946 and PPG is a tad bit overly optomistic about the protective qualities of it's product!

... all in a day's work for our comic atomic crew. Now it's 'Miller time!".

... Atlas in bunker 1961

The first Atlas ICBMs were set up on launch pads at Vandenberg AFB and Cape Canaveral just like any rocket of the time. On a pad with a gantry tower. Vulnerable even to angry pelicans.
The nest step was a hole in the ground. Not a
vertical silo yet, but a big underground garage with huge roll back overhead doors.

The doors would be opened the missile cranked up into the
vertical, filled with fuel and sent on it's way. Took about 3 to 6 hours- just enough time between when the Russian bombers showed up on the radar screens and what we see here was turned into molten glass.

That's a nosecone shroud for a hydrogen bomb mounted at the 'top'. Maybe it's one of those 25 megaton MK-41's - we don't have a lot of these booster warhead configurations yet (in the early 1960's) so we'd better make every one of them count!

This 'semi-hardened' Atlas facility was nicknamed the 'coffin configuration' because the missile was lying down in a box.

... test tower 1955

Easier for insturments to observe and a little less of that nasty, bothersome fallout if you put your nuclear device on a high tower before you make it go 'boom'!
Tower is not re-usable.

(Notice the tanks parked over to the left- they aren't going to make it.)